Q: Where do I apply for digital banking?

A: You can apply here.

Q: What happens if I forget my PIN/password?

A: You are allowed three password attempts and on the third attempt, if invalid, you will be locked out of the system. We highly recommend using the Forgot password link to reset your password. The process is simple and gets you back on track in no time. If you are locked out and cannot use the forgot password link, contact our local Customer Support Call Center for help. The toll-free number is: 800-468-6682 or request a reset when you visit the bank.


Q: How late in the evening can I make transfers/loan payments?

A: The transfer cut off time for current day's business is 9:00 pm (EST) Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays.

Q: What happens if I do not log off of the system?

A: By default Digital Banking has a 10 minute timeout feature, so if the system is not used for 10 minutes then the user will be inactive and will have to log in again. You can also log out yourself by clicking on the circle photo/initials in the top right and select SIGN OUT.

Q: What kind of browser do I need to have?
A: See our current Supported Browsers.

Q: Where do I access my statement online?

A: After logging into OVB Online, via web browser or the OVB Mobile App, click on DOCUMENTS. 


Q: How do I make a loan payment to apply to my principal only?

A: If you wish to make a principal-only payment, when creating the transfer, select "More Options" and change Type to Principal-only. DO NOT make a payment that is different than your set regular payment amount unless you choose the principal-only payment option, doing so may result in your payment being delayed or not applied as you intended.

Q: How do I access additional functionality for Bill Pay?

A. On the Bill Pay screen, click on MANAGE PAYMENTS. It is located near the top right. 

Q: I created a transfer, and I cannot edit or delete it. What do I do?

A: When choosing to transfer now or "soonest available", the transfer will start its journey immediately and cannot be edited or deleted. If you did this by accident, you can create another transfer to reverse the money or if the transfer was a loan payment, contact the bank for a correction.


Q: Why does this purchase show on my account three times when I only used my debit card once?

A: The store or restaurant where you used your debit card pre-authorized your purchase, which ensures you have sufficient funds. Their action placed a temporary transaction on your account called a "memo-debit" or "memo post". It will be replaced by the actual debit when we receive the charge from the place of business, usually between one and three  business days, but this depends on when the business sends it. The actual transaction will only be charged once to your account.

Need Assistance?

For assistance with OVB Online or any of our online services, call our local experts at 800-468-6682 or email