Checking & Money Market Accounts

A variety of accounts to meet your individual needs! Checking Account Details

Type Interest Rate A.P.Y.
Earnie Now 0.05% 0.05%
Money Fund $0.00-$9,999.99 0.00% 0.00%
Money Fund $10,000-$49,999.99 1.74% 1.76%
Money Fund $50,000-$99,999.99 2.23% 2.26%
Money Fund $100,000 and over 2.72% 2.76%
Rates may change after the account is opened.

Savings Account Rates

Helping you watch your money grow!

Type Interest Rate A.P.Y.
Statement Savings 0.05% 0.05%
My Health - HSA $0.00-$9,999.99 0.05% 0.05%
My Health - HSA $10,000-$49,999.99 0.05% 0.05%
My Health - HSA $50,000-$99,999.99 0.05% 0.05%
My Health - HSA $100,000.00 and over 0.10% 0.10%
Christmas Savings 0.10% 0.10%
Vacation Savings 0.10% 0.10%
Sweet Home Ohio 5.83% 6.00%

Statement Savings: $100.00 minimum balance, no minimum for GenNEXT customers (ages 18 and under). $2.00 monthly service charge applies if average monthly balance is below $100.00. Limit of 6 transfers or withdrawals each month, by check, debit card, or similar order payable to third-parties.

My Health - HSA: See an OVB Account Services Representative for an HSA eligibility brochure. $100.00 initial deposit required. New Account Set-up Fee of $10.00. A $5.00 quarterly service fee applies if average quarterly balance is below $100.00

Christmas/Vacation Savings (Money Mgt.): $20.00 initial deposit required for Savings. Rates in effect until payout. Early Closeout Fee is $25.00.

Sweet Home Ohio: $100.00 minimum deposit. Ohio residents only.

Rates may change after the account is opened.

Certificate of Deposit

Click HERE for CD and IRA Specials!

Type Interest Rate A.P.Y.
30-89 day CD 0.50% 0.50%
3 Month CD 0.50% 0.50%
6 Month CD 0.75% 0.75%
1 Year 1.00% 1.01%
2 Year 1.19% 1.20%
3 Year 1.29% 1.30%
4 Year 1.39% 1.40%
5 Year 1.49% 1.50%
All certificates are automatically renewable. $2,500.00 minimum balance. The annual percentage yields assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. 

Individual Retirement Accounts

Letting your money work so you don't have to!

Type Interest Rate A.P.Y.
6 MONTH IRA / ROTH 0.75% 0.75%
18 MONTH IRA / ROTH TDOA 3.68% 3.75%
1 YEAR IRA / ROTH 1.00% 1.01%
2 YEAR IRA / ROTH 1.19% 1.20%
3 YEAR IRA / ROTH 1.29% 1.30%
4 YEAR IRA / ROTH 1.39% 1.40%
5 YEAR IRA / ROTH 1.49% 1.50%
All I.R.A.s are automatically renewable. $500.00 minimum balance. The annual percentage yields assumes interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.

Note that fees may reduce earnings on the account

Effective Date: 3/24/2025

APY = Annual Percentage Yield